Online Classes: Recommended Equipment

Online Classes & Physical Therapy How To & Tool Kit

Ready to jump into the new world of taking your Pilates or Gyrotonic® classes online but not sure where to start? Here’s everything you need to know to start having your CORE experience online during our COVID quarantine. To stay up-to-date on CORE and COVID-19, click here.


CORE Virtual Lesson Testimonial.png

You’ll need either (1) a mobile phone with wireless earbuds and a tripod (or a creative way to prop the phone up) or (2) a computer with a video camera that you can position on your work out space. 

If you are taking a private lesson, you’ll receive an invitation to a google hangout the night before your lesson. Please log into the hangout video conference (viewable in the notes section of the calendar invite) at least 5 minutes prior to your lesson to make sure you can connect and hear your instructor. 

If you are taking a group class, you’ll receive an invitation to sign up for a Zoom video conference call the night before class. You will need to register for the conference from the invitation email in advance. Once you have registered in the Zoom conference, you will get a link to directly access the class. Please be sure to do the registration step in advance so you have time to trouble shoot. 

Check out Jessica’s Facebook Live Video for tips on why staying active is important during these uncertain times, how to get started and skip ahead to around the 10-minute mark to see how she set up her at-home space.



Each of our instructors has a basic equipment pack at their home to use while teaching. It includes a mat, a magic circle, hand weights, a theraband, a foam roller and a ball. We have set up links to Amazon for each of these items so you can be prepared at home. We also have items you might need for self-care if you choose to use telehealth physical therapy during our hiatus from our space. If you’re not sure what to have on hand, the bare minimum is a mat (preferably doubled if it is a traditional yoga mat), and you can discuss specific needs with your teacher. 

Recommended Equipment


Physical Therapy Tools


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