November Featured Client: Stuart S.

What makes CORE Buckhead special is our community of clients, instructors, and supporters. Each month we will be featuring a client whose grown in strength and wellness at CORE. This month we’d like to introduce you to Stuart S. Here’s his story…

CORE Buckhead: What brought you to CORE?
Stuart S.: I actually followed my primary instructor, Clare Gordon, to CORE.

CB: How long have you been at CORE?
SS: About 6 years.


CB: What is your favorite thing about working out at CORE?
SS: I like the variety of exercise opportunities. Pilates has long been my core exercise. But Redcord is available for those bad-back days, and Gyrotonics for improving flexibility.

How has CORE helped you in your daily life? In your fitness abilities?
SS: CORE is critical to my fitness regimen. I do Pilates and Gyro once a week back-to-back. With Pilates, I can maintain and improve core muscle strength, which in turn protects the lower back (among other benefits). With Gyro, I can focus on shoulder, hip and back flexibility and mobility, particularly after having warmed-up with a Pilates session. I am not a golfer but could imagine the combination improving my swing.

CB: What would your world look like without CORE?
SS: Less flexibility and an aching back.

CB: How has CORE helped you achieve your goals? 
SS: By bringing together under one roof a variety of exercise opportunities and qualified instructors for all of them. Though I have regularly scheduled instructors, over the years, I have worked with many others and have never been disappointed.

CB: Were there any movements that you can now perform that you thought were impossible before you arrived at CORE?

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